Murabaha Financing

Murabaha can be defined as a special type of sale contract, whereby the cost of the Murabaha subject matter and the profit made by the seller under the transaction are disclosed to the buyer. Under this Product, the Bank will be the seller while the customer will be the buyer.

Under these products, the Bank purchases a Shariah-compliant asset(s) (e.g., home appliances, furniture, equipment…etc.) from a third-party supplier (for the Cost Price) and subsequently sells it to its Customer on Murabaha basis. The Murabaha Price payable by the Customer is the sum of the Cost Price paid to purchase the asset from the supplier plus a defined Profit amount.

FMFB-A’s Murabaha Goods Finance is perfectly designed to fulfill the needs of Individuals and microfinance businesses for purchasing of raw materials, machinery, vehicles, etc.

Features and Benefits
  • 100 per cent Shari’ah-compliant financing
  • Availability of multiple currencies (AFN, USD)
  • Attractive profit rate
  • From 6 months to 2 years of financing
  • Financing limit from AFN 25,000 to AFN 500,000 or equivalent in USD
  • The fully transparent transaction with no additional charges
  • No hidden costs
Security Requirements
  • The original title deed of the property and one guarantor
  • Two guarantors if the amount is less than AFN 100,000 or equivalent in USD (no title deed is required).
How to Apply

For more information please call our Customer Service Centre by dialing 599 or visiting any of our branches.